We wanted to share with you the campaign we are backing within KG Salon. All of our staff will be trained to spot the signs of domestic abuse to be able to help clients that may be experiencing this that may need help or guidance.
Behind the mask was launched in July 2019 by Julie Knight, to offer all UK based beauty and hair professionals help and guidelines in spotting the signs of domestic abuse and how to best respond.
It can be very hard to spot the signs of domestic abuse unlike physical abuse which can be masked by make-up or clothing. Abuse cab present itself in many different forms such as psychological abuse, sexual harassment and controlling behaviour.
As scary as the statistics may seem, on average around 2 women are murdered each week from domestic abuse and around 1 in 4 women will experience some form of abuse during their lifetime. For some women there may be many reasons as to why they are not willing to speak about the abuse they are experiencing. But with the unique relationship built between a therapist and client, some clients may feel as though they have the confidence to confide in their therapist and reveal what is truly hidden behind the mask!
Many women use services such as beauticians, hairdressers and other services to make themselves look and feel better. So people who work within this sector are usually the first to be around women that could be the victims of abuse. Which is the reason we are so passionate about all staff taking part in this training and being part of the cause.
If we can help someone, then we are doing our part. It gives someone the opportunity to reach out to us if they feel they want to and for us to provide a listening ear or kind words that have the potential to save a life!
We are proud to be on board!